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Humor Posts
12 Terrible (But Hilarious) Places To Work [slides]
April 22, 2013
After the week we've had in Boston this week, I found it hard to focus on any overly heavy work this weekend. So, instead, I created the slide deck below. This is unlike the prior…
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Classes They (Thankfully) Don't Teach At Startup School
February 19, 2013
The following are some hypothetical classes that I'm thankful they don't teach at places like Y Combinator, TechStars and 500 Startups. 11 Classes They Should't Teach Founders 1.…
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The Backuisition and 9 Other Types of Acquisitions [humor]
November 11, 2011
It's time for some Friday fun. The following list was sparked in part by my hatred of the term "acquihire" (which no matter how many times I try to train myself, I can never say it…
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New Google Chrome OS Runs On Your Car Bumper [cartoon]
July 10, 2009
Did you like the cartoon? Tweet it to your friends.
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Angel Investor Non-Admissons: 10 Things They Won't Say
June 15, 2009
As a tribute to the very funny VC Non-Admissions and the follow-up Founder Non-Admissions, I offer to you my own take on this — from an angel investor perspective. Sorry that mine…
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Flat Is The New Up: Introducing Hockey Stick 2.0 [cartoon]
May 28, 2009
Did this tickle your funny bone? Please tweet it.
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Startup Advice from George Costanza: Do The Opposite
July 2, 2008
The Seinfeld fans out there will clearly recognize the reference to "the opposite" episode. Basically, George tries to change his life by going against his natural instincts and doing…
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10 Reasons I Didn't Start The Bubble [with troubling but funny video]
December 5, 2007
Here's an exceptionally funny video about the current Web 2.0 bubble (I don't usually post YouTube videos on this blog, but this one was just too good to pass up). After the video,…
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Why Startups Have Fewer Dilbertian, Pointy-Haired Bosses
November 5, 2007
If the title of this article made you smile, then chances are that at some point in your life you've worked for a big company and/or been subjected to a Dlibertian pointy-haired…
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